Event is free to the public.
Presentation Overview
“Cary Millsap Talks Oracle Performance,” presented by Cary Millsap, Method R.
Presenter Bio
Cary Millsap is a writer, teacher, designer, developer, consultant, and software performance specialist. He has presented at hundreds of events around the world, and his blog is read by thousands of people each month.
He is the author of The Method R Guide to Mastering Oracle Trace Data and the lead designer of the Method R Workbench software suite. He wrote the bookOptimizing Oracle Performance, for which he and co-author Jeff Holt were named Oracle Magazine’s 2004 Authors of the Year. He is published in professional journals including Communications of the ACM.
Mr. Millsap is Vice President of User Experience Solutions at Cintra Software and Services, and he owns Method R Corporation, a company that makes enterprise grade software measurement tools for companies including Fortune 100 firms.
Texas state govt facility (education related)
400 E Spring Valley Road
Houston Room, Second Floor
Use bldg entrance C, southeast side of the building
Richardson, TX 75081
Thursday, January 26, 2017
7:15 PM