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DOUG Membership + Training Day = An Amazing Value
DOUG Training Day Adds Jackie McIlvoy
Is Your Name in the Book of DOUG? It’s Time for DOUG’s Fall Membership Drive
Is your name in the book of DOUG? Did it used to be in the…
DATABASE FORUM: Oracle Security for DBAs and Developers (4/25)
DOUG Award Winners
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Open Letter to DOUG
First, I wanted to express my gratitude to the membership. I am honored to take…
Articles Articles
Navigating Cloud AI: Insights into Google, Oracle, and Azure’s Offerings
Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, cloud-based AI services have become indispensable for businesses…
Oracle Database@Azure
Introduction In a big announcement on September 14, 2023, Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, and Oracle’s…
HashiCorp’s Shift to Business Source License: A personal view
What is Hashicorp? Headquartered in San Francisco, Hashicorp is a software company that offers open-source…
Intro to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and APEX
Back to Basics: The Art of Conversation
Written by Patrick Donlin Introduction In a digital age, social and business networking sites,…
Collections in PL/SQL: An Introduction
Written by Bob Watkins, Managing Partner of B. Watkins Collections are an essential tool in…
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