Current Trends/Use Cases for Oracle Golden Gate, Feb 23rd

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Presentation Overview

Current Trends/Use Cases for Oracle Golden Gate, presented by Ramkumar Rajagopal, DBARAC


Presenter Bio

Ramkumar Rajagopal has been working with Oracle software for over 15 years, and since 2010 is an independent Oracle consultant at DBARAC. His areas of expertise include GoldenGate, 12c database migrations, Exadata, Maximum Availability Real Application Clusters, Disaster Recovery, Performance and tuning.

Oracle Database/Applications DBA since 1995
Dell, JP Morgan Chase, Verizon, Bank of American and for Federal government
Presented at Oracle Open World and Dallas Oracle Users group

***Meeting location Texas state government facility (education-related), 400 East Spring Valley Road, Dallas Room, first floor, Richardson, TX 75081. Use building Entrance C, at the southeast side of the building.


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